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Showing posts with the label love

This Is Me

They call me Mont Money 1000, Ghost 7 God The Strike Master Sensei. Born in the belly of the beast on the the corner of hell & high water. I'm not a rapper I'm a lyricist, a designer, & engineer. Innovation is my technique. All Pro Syfer is my belief. S1K INTERTAINMENT is the label, ©1kSTUDIOS is the brand. B1K MEDIA GROUP is the market. 7 God, One King, & No Sleep is the lifestyle. I am Strike The Ghost, MM1K Mr DoNumbers Himself. 

Truth Told

The Enemy of My Enemy

Assigned Seats.Ghost 7 God.Lessons Learned. Enemy of My Enemy. Exploring the possibilities of a unified universal mind in order to gain the perception of not feeling alone win moving on from relationship

Dreams Of Murder

No Sleep!


In order to understand to love or even to care you first must love and care for self. If you love someone then in your statements ,if challenged, there should be reassure of that love. Becoming offensive and passive aggressive usually means (and I'm saying usually) That the person has an agenda to maintain in fear of losing what they desire from someone. There is no love there is only a fixation. When your love is challenged You respond the way you feel at the moment. I cant say you that you are wrong for feeling the way you feel. But i can say you will tend to misjudge  your response and the effect it will take on the dialog with whom has challenged that love. Being jealous and possessive is not love. When ever there is a question of your intention and you become offensive is not caring. If i love someone selfish is not of part of what i give. If i love you i show in my statements and actions unselfishness.  You must understand why you love and be able to express it thru acti...