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Jewelz to Mastering

Jewelz to Mastering How To Master Your Own Music When you think of a mastering engineer, you think of someone tucked away in a studio filled with hardware and expensive equipment. To many, mastering can seem like a dark art. With the advancements made with music production tools, all you need is a set of basic plugins that your DAW offers and a few guidelines on how to tackle the mastering process. In this article, I am going to go over a step-by-step process on how you can use your native DAW plugins to master your own tracks. Pick a reference track Before you even begin to start to master your song, you need to pick out a reference track. Mastering is all about making small adjustments to the entire mix. When you make these small adjustments, it can be difficult to see the overall picture of how you want your track to sound like. Having this reference track gives you a chance to check to see if the processes that you are doing to your song are helping you get closer to the sound that...

The Light: SoundCloud Dread Head Days DO NUMBERS Ft. Floyd Henderson by Mont Money 1000 (G7G) TakeOff REALLY UP TO YOU FT. RULA by Mont Money 1000 (G7G) Wake uo! We making hits! KINGDOM Mixtape CIRCLES FT. BIGGUNNIT, RULA, Q-STACk by Mont Money 1000 (G7G) MM1K THE KINGDOM MIXTAPE CIRCLES BOOT MAJOR FT. RULA & FANAYGO BLAQ by Mont Money 1000 (G7G) We been gettin ring just like the Lakers


No matter what I still believe in myself. No retreat, No return. 


For Those who wonder what is 1k. To Me it is The Knowledge of the first 3 ciphers or lesson in the Supreme Mathematics which is Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. In turn this create The All Pro Syfer. 1k is All Pro Syfer. This is the foundation of everything in existence. Without these 3 ciphers we are left with chaos. A state of unrest which has no peace.       "I Live 1k & That Is Forever"                                   -MM1K 

Circles 4/13/18 #fridaythe13th

Circles Ft.  BiGGunnit Rubbaband Rula Q-Stacks drop on #spotify #applemusic #amazonmusic #dreezer 4/13/18 #fridaythe13th


Check Mont Money 1000 and S1K INTERTAINMENT out on BandLab. Now with cloud technology you can record professional on the web. No book time at the studio. No paying for engineering. BandLab gives you all the tool you need to get your next project done yourself. And they offer free mastering. This community is growing fast. Sign up today free and start your journey to greatness STUDIO 1000 INTERTAINMENT 1k All Day! #G7G And I got #LaReina wit me. STUDIO 1000 RECORDINGa & S1K INTERTAINMENT.

Circles | Coming Soon | #spotify #applemusic #amazonmusic

The official release of the hit song of the Kingdom mixtape due anytime. Mont Money 1000 Ft. The Allstar Class of BiGGunnit, Rubbaband Rula, & Q - Stacks. Circle is the song of Spring and an anthem for the summer. Stay Tuned! Check Mont Money 1000 out in SoundCloud Mont Money 1000 (G7G) They call me Mont Money 1000 (MM1K), Ghost 7 God, The Strike Master Sensei My Campaigns: 7 God, One King, & No Sleep. I rep S1K INTERTAINMENT (formerly known as STUDIO 1000) I grind with ©1kSTUDIOS & B1K MG. Come hell or high water I stay on the front line.

The 1k Blog Network

The 1k Blog Network


Internet Distribution & Campaign Marketing for Independent Artists. No Recoord Label red tape. No waiting to get signed. No submitting to A & R. No Monthly fees.* Call 828 513 0509 for more info Or Email


In production. Release date TBD. S1K INTERTAINMENT |MONT MONEY 1000. Follow MONT MONEY 1000 on Twitter, Instagram,Facebook T/@montmoney1000 IG/@ghost7god FB/@montmoney1k 



Follow Mont Money 1000 on #spotify to hear his lastest music SCAR: THE ROAD FROM CULT CLASSIC TO KINGDOM hits digital stores on 2/16/18.

#Reverbnation Mont Money 1000

Follow Mont Money 1000 on #Reverbnation. Breaking the musical barrier that everyone im the south sounds the same MM1K not only delivers a unique style he brings other talents to the forefront. S1K INTERTAINMENT was once known as STUDIO 1000 which stood at the top on an urban neighborhood Mont Money 1000 gave a music start to those who would probably never be able to record due to the corporate pricing of the other local studio. 8 mixtapes release in 2016. His own solo mixtape in 2017. His second a few months ago. Now he due to release his first EP name SCAR. Dubbed The road from Cult Classic to Kingdom he brings that sound that you can't help but listen. Follow Mont Money 1000 Reverbnation FB FanPage Twitter Instagram Spotify Apple Music Amazon Music

Verified Spotify Artist

Verified on #spotify so you know it's 1000. Scan the code to get straight to the music

Do Numbers-Mont Money 1000 Ft. Floyd Henderson

Introducing ©1kApps By Ghost 7 God

Hosted by DropApk the ©1kApps brings you websites that doesnt have an app on google play. These ate the apps we wosh we could have from sites we visit everyday. All dowloads are free click HERE  to visit the app page. If you have apks app that you have devolped and like free hosting and delivery sign up HERE