In production. Release date TBD. S1K INTERTAINMENT |MONT MONEY 1000. Follow MONT MONEY 1000 on Twitter, Instagram,Facebook T/@montmoney1000 IG/@ghost7god FB/@montmoney1k
Sign Up Coming Soon . The Knowledge Campaign will focus on the building an online library of Collected Knowledge. That we as a people can share, teach, and learn. No charge will be issuse to its members. Instead we will implicate the "each one teach one" rule. Simply meaning if you was able gain knowledge in return you will give knowledge. We will be accepting all filetypes and all subjects. Nothing will be excluded. Come join me make history and educate ourselves and our families.
Assigned Seats.Ghost 7 God.Lessons Learned. Enemy of My Enemy. Exploring the possibilities of a unified universal mind in order to gain the perception of not feeling alone win moving on from relationship